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Schützenverein Leutasch


Kirchplatzl 128a, 6105 Leutasch


shooting range

Air rifle shooting at the Schützenheim Leutasch
(behind the municipality, next to the fire department hall)

There are 8 shooting ranges incl. corresponding rifles as well as various competition possibilities.
There is also seating for larger groups & a bar for a cozy get-together - where sodas, beer, hot drinks, etc. are provided for your consumption.
We also have game cards to hand out, as an encouragement for the cozy get-together.

Prices: 5 test shots and 10 evaluation shots (incl. badge): € 4,-.
Drinks at local prices For children from 6 years accompanied by an adult.

No registration necessary!

Dates can be found in the calendar of events.

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