Weidach 318 c, 6105 Leutasch
Bike rental
Alpine ski rental
Cross-country ski rental
toboggan rental
Winter hiking equipment
sports shop
Charging option
bike shop
For those looking to start cross-country skiing or cycling, trying out new equipment, or who do not want to take their own gear on vacation, there is the opportunity to rent equipment here.
In our extensive rental range, we select the appropriate options for every cross-country skier and cyclist. We also offer rentals of sleds, ski touring equipment, snowshoes, climbing gear (via ferrata set, helmet, harness, and climbing shoes) and child trailers. We do not offer alpine ski equipment.
Sport Norz Mobile bicycle rental and bike service vehicle on the Seefeld high plateau
Service and reservation hotline 0699/12625202
Reservation and bike delivery for guests and hotels on the Seefeld high plateau.
From May: On Sundays and holidays, the shop is open for bike pick-up from 09:00 to 11:00 AM, while bike returns can be made until 05:00 PM.
Ski roller test center service and sales
Courses and private lessons available upon request
Ski roller set rental € 20,-
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