Region Seefeld Tourism Board
Managing Director: Elias Walser
- Tourism Board, public corporation
- 69 employees, approx. 52 full-time equivalents
- CO2 footprint 2021: 8.5 tonnes of CO2 per full-time equivalent
We can wait forever for things to change. Or we can start now.
How can a holiday destination become more sustainable? Interview with the Seefeld region in Tyrol

Find out more in the blog about how the topic of sustainability is dealt with in the Tourism Board and how the innovative Plateau Pioneers group came about.
- Local public mobility and public transport, featuring over 70 bus stops, three railway stations, and one long-distance bus stop.
- Strategic approach to sustainability.
- Intensive cooperation with businesses (e.g., Plateau Pioneers project).
- Close cooperation with the Karwendel Nature Park on the topic of biodiversity.
- First region to be awarded the Austrian Ecolabel for tourism destinations.
- Gentle leisure and experience offers.
- Intensive promotion of employee mobility.
- 70 kW peak PV system on the Seefeld Technical Centre.
Sustainable development steps
- Reduction of fuel consumption and conversion of the vehicle fleet to e-drive.
- Continuous improvement of the public transport network and its benefits.
- Intensification of cooperation, including expansion of the Plateau Pioneers project.
- Integration of green event certification (certification of the Ganghoferlauf in winter 2024).
- Project for inclusive tourism and accessibility in the region.