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03/12/25 - 03/19/25

The Euroloppet Ganghoferlauf is a Euroloppet race

Online registration

The Euroloppet Ganghoferlauf is a Euroloppet race

Would you like to enjoy the benefits of being a Euroloppet pass holder?

  • You pay a discounted registration fee for each Euroloppet race
  • Eligibility for "Racer Action 3+1" - start at 3 different races in the season = 1 free start in the next season
  • At least 2nd starting row/starting block at the Euroloppet races
  • Fee: € 13,- per year
  • New: Euroloppet Premium Pass: € 99,- per year. The entire amount can be used in the shop for tickets & goodies.
  • This eliminates the actual annual fee and the beneftis are free!

Euroloppet Informationen
Yes, I would like to order the Euroloppet Pass now: Order Euroloppet-Pass

To the online registration

Registration 58th Ganghoferlauf
Registration Mini- & Special Ganghoferlauf 2025
Registration Ganghoferlauf Combined
Registration 10 km fun race
Registration Tirol³ Nordic Challenge

Personalised start number
Register by 17 February 2025 and secure your personalised start number including your first Name. Please note: The fee neds to get paid as well until 17 February to receive the personalised start number!

Late registration via app
from 27.02.2025 until 1 hour before the start of the route possible in each case. Be aware: payment in cash only and no late registration for the Team Event 22km!
iOS App
Android App

Free public transportation
On request, the Seefeld Tourism Association will provide all participants with a free bus ticket within the region for the journey to and from the Ganghoferlauf. If you are interested, please inform the information office Leutasch ( about your first and last name as well as your e-mail address. All those participants who stay overnight in the region can already use all bus connections within the region free of charge with their guest card.

Sleep sustainably
You can also be sustainable while staying overnight. There are already a handful of hotels in the Region Seefeld that have been awarded the Austrian Ecolabel ("Österreichisches Umweltzeichen") or are currently in the audit process. These establishments, also known as Plateau Pioneers, have a demonstrably low CO2 footprint and offer regional cuisine in organic quality with many vegetarian and vegan options. We recommend checking our booking page (filter already set) for availability at these hotels. You can find more information about the Plateau Pioneers here.

Here you will find all relevant information on starting fees, class divisions, starter groups, etc.

Tourismusverband Seefeld | Austria +43 5 0880 | |