Unterkirchen, 6105 Leutasch
In contrast to Oberleutasch, Unterleutasch did not have its own church before the 19th century. The people of Unterleutasch were parishioners of the Bavarian Mittenwald, to which they belonged ecclesiastically since ancient times. It was not until the year 1803 that a court decree from Emperor Franz II permitted the construction of a church, but due to the military events of 1805 and the subsequent Bavarian rule, the construction project could not be realized. Only in mid-1827 did a decree from the court chancellery approve the construction. At the end of that year, work officially began: Under the community leader Matthias Reindl as building director and the responsible road master Johann von Klebelsberg, to whom the construction plans are probably attributed, Josef Waldhart from Imst built church and presbytery by the end of 1829.
A sober nave with a retracted, straight adjoining choir was created. Both components are covered by a hipped roof, pierced by a tower in the west. Through the windbreak installed in 1955, one enters the interior with the round, former baptismal chapel and the organ loft in the front bay, to which a square nave illuminated by semicircular windows with a flat hanging dome is attached.
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