Decent work and economic growth
SDG 8 "Decent work and economic growth" or "Sustainably tourism" aims at economic sustainability. Sustainable tourism that does not sell out its ecological and social foundations, but strengthens them, is defined as a separate sub-goal. We therefore include our tourism offer development and our activities as the largest business on the plateau under this point in particular.
Region Seefeld on the way to honest sustainability
On the way to the eco-label for destinations
The Austrian Eco-label is considered the gold standard in sustainability. With the application as a destination, we want to learn from an objective assessment and avoid mere greenwashing. The aim of the award is also to anchor the overall project "Genuinely Sustainable" in the region in the long term. Synergies with SDG 11 (Sustainable communities), SDG 13 (Climate protection)
Region Seefeld
Awareness-raising infrastructure
From the simple signposting to the theme trail and the information centre, the infrastructure should be set up in such a way that it also raises awareness of the special features of nature and cultural history and encourages appreciative behaviour.
Synergies with SDG 4 (Education), 15 (Biodiversity)