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Tessa Mellinger

von Tessa Mellinger

July 04, 2018


In strudel heaven: Organic Pulled Pork Strudel and Kletznstrudel

Strudel olé! Nowhere else is the variety of strudels as pronounced as here in Austria. We fill the strudel dough with all kinds of delicious and creative treats. Whether sweet like apple strudel or hearty with vegetables and meat: it always tastes simply "guat" (good)!

Once a year we celebrate the "strudel glory" in our region at the big strudel festival in Seefeld. Here visitors can taste the truly best strudel the world has seen! (At least that's what we claim - if you don't believe it, you have to taste it for yourself! 😉)

To mark the occasion this year, the Biohotel Leutascherhof has come up with some very special recipes that will make your mouth water. They share two of these creations with us: the Organic Pulled Pork Strudel and the Organic Kletznstrudel.

You can also find the downloads with ingredient list and instructions below.



Organic Pulled Pork Strudel á la Leutascherhof

If you like it hearty, you should definitely try the Pulled Pork Strudel: Here, traditional cuisine meets modern ingredients. With Pulled Pork (in German: "gezupftes Schweinefleisch") the rule applies: Good things take time. But the wait is rewarded with butter-tender meat and pure enjoyment! This strudel is different from many other conventional strudels - also because it is not made with the conventional strudel dough, but a puff pastry.


Pulled Pork Strudel

To the step by step instructions:

Otto Wandl from the Biohotel Leutascherhof prepares his Pulled Pork with the method of Sous-Vide, i.e. "vacuum cooking". This can be done at home either with a steamer or simply in a water bath and a vacuum bag.

The first step is to prepare the spice mixture. To do this, mix paprika powder, rock salt and smoked salt, cane sugar, mustard powder, chili, cumin, black pepper and garlic and pound everything finely. Then rub the meat with the spice mixture, put it in the vacuum bag and seal it. Now let it stand in a water bath or steamer at 65° for about 36 hours. Then remove from the water bath and let cool in the bag. Open the bag and collect the juice.


Show Bakery: Apple strudel

After the meat is ready, you can continue with the vegetables. Cut them into small pieces and sauté them briefly in rapeseed oil. Add the spices, mix the chopped meat with the vegetables and season with a little meat juice. Then put the mixture into the puff pastry and roll it up. If you like, you can form the strudel into a wreath - this is a great way to impress, because as we all know, the eye eats with you! Now bake in the oven at 180 C° for 35 minutes - and the strudel is ready!

Otto's tip: Serve with barbecue sauce, which goes very well with this strudel!

Strudelfest 2018 in Seefeld - Strudel mit Haenden

Strudelfest 2018 in Seefeld

Organic Kletznstrudel á la Leutascherhof

For those with a sweet tooth and all those with a "sweet tooth", the Kletznstrudel is just the thing. "Kletzen" are dried pears and in our alpine region a popular ingredient in strudels, fruit breads and all sorts of "healthy" sins. In addition to the pears, this Kletznstrudel also contains dried figs and nuts. The preparation is easy and will delight everyone!

Strudel beim Seefelder Strudelmarkt (7)

Strudel at the Seefeld Strudel Market

This is how the preparation goes step by step:

Otto's tip: Cut the kletzen and figs into quarters and soak them with the raisins in pear brandy the day before. This makes them especially juicy and "g'schmackig"!

Cream butter, add powdered sugar and gradually stir in egg yolks. Add flavoring ingredients. Beat egg whites with sugar until stiff. Fold in part of the egg whites, add nuts and fold in remaining egg whites. Then put everything into the strudel dough, roll it up and bake it for about 35 minutes at 180 C° hot air. Now the strudel can be enjoyed - we wish you bon appétit!


Strudel with icing sugar


At the great Srudel Festival a strudel variety is presented, as it has rarely been seen in the Alpine region. Spicy, savory, sweet and crunchy: a pleasure heaven for all! In addition to the culinary delights, there will be authentic folk music, interludes by the Seefelder Plattler and a children's program for the younger guests.

The recipes to download:

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Tourismusverband Seefeld | Austria +43 5 0880 | |